Wat doet alprazolam met je?

Wat doet alprazolam met je?

Alprazolam behoort tot de benzodiazepinen. Het werkt rustgevend, spierontspannend en vermindert angstgevoelens. Artsen schrijven het voor bij angstgevoelens en gespannenheid, paniekstoornis en sociale fobie.

Hoe lang trazodone nemen?

Je zal je trazodone nog minstens 4 tot 6 maanden verder nemen. Dit is niet schade- lijk, omdat het geneesmiddel geen verslaving ver- oorzaakt. Indien je behandeling gestopt mag wor- den, zal je arts de dosis geleidelijk verminderen.

What happens when you mix trazodone and Xanax?

Xanax and trazodone are medications that work differently and they affect different chemicals in the brain The mixing of trazodone and Xanax may provide additional benefit toward an individual’s treatment; however, it also increases the risk of side effects, including excessive fatigue, confusion, dizziness,…

What happens if you drink alcohol while taking trazodone?

If alcohol, Xanax and trazodone are taken together, the combination could cause a severe slowing of brain processes and could have severe consequences. Therefore, people should limit their alcohol consumption or limit their drinking while taking Xanax or trazodone, either alone or together.

Can you get high on trazodone?

There is a potential for abuse with trazodone, much like Xanax. It is possible for people to feel high if they take large doses of it, and it can also create hallucinations. However there is a risk of overdose and very serious side effects, so it’s incredibly dangerous to use trazodone recreationally.

Does trazodone make Depression worse before it gets better?

When people take trazodone, their depression may get worse before it gets better, and it’s important that people on this medicine are vigilant about noting any changes in mood when they start taking it. There is a potential for abuse with trazodone, much like Xanax.