Wie was Psyche?
Hij was de mooiste der goden, met gouden krullen die langs zijn roodgekleurde wangen vielen. Hij had twee vochtige vleugels op zijn schouders, witter dan sneeuw, met glimmende veren. Toen Psyche voorover leunde om zijn gezicht van dichtbij te zien, viel een druppel olie uit haar lamp op de schouder van de god.
Hoe heet de zoon van Aphrodite?
Aphrodite trouwde met de smid van de goden, Hephaistos, maar had daarnaast verschillende verhoudingen met andere goden en stervelingen. Bij Anchises kreeg zij een zoon, Aeneas, de held uit het beroemde heldendicht Aeneïs van Vergilius. Aphrodite stond aan de wieg van de Trojaanse oorlog.
What is Cupid the god of?
Cupid, which means “desire” in Latin, was the god of desire, affection, and erotic love, in Roman mythology. He was usually portrayed as the son of Venus but his father was never clearly identified. He is considered to be the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Eros. Cupid was very popular during the Middle Ages.
Is Cupid a boy or girl?
In Greek Mythology, Cupid was known as ‘ Eros ‘ who was portrayed as a slender young boy with wings; however, following the Hellenistic Age that ended about 31BC when Rome conquered Greece, he was portrayed as the chubby little boy we are most familiar with especially around Valentine’s Day.
Who was Cupid’s father?
He was usually portrayed as the son of Venus but his father was never clearly identified. He is considered to be the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Eros. Cupid was very popular during the Middle Ages.
What is the story of Cupid’s girlfriend?
In one account, Cupid had a girlfriend named Psyche who led a very lonely life because none of her female friends liked her and none of the male gods paid any attention to her until she met Eros. Despite the fact that they were both very lonely, according to the story they lived happily ever after together.