Welke partij was Ruud Lubbers?

Welke partij was Ruud Lubbers?

Katholieke VolkspartijRuud Lubbers / PartijDe Katholieke Volkspartij was een Nederlandse politieke partij die in 1980 met de Christelijk-Historische Unie en de Anti-Revolutionaire Partij is gefuseerd tot het Christen-Democratisch Appèl.
De KVP werd op 22 december 1945 opgericht als opvolger van de vooroorlogse Roomsch-Katholieke Staatspartij. Wikipedia

Hoe heet de vrouw van Ruud Lubbers?

Ria LubbersRuud Lubbers / Huwelijkspartner (geh. 1962–2018)
Ria Lubbers. Maria Emilie Josepha (Ria) Lubbers – Hoogeweegen (Rotterdam, 12 november 1940) is de weduwe van de Nederlandse oud-premier Ruud Lubbers (CDA).

Is Die President van Suid-Afrika verkies?

Die President van Suid-Afrika is die staatshoof en regeringshoof onder Suid-Afrika se Grondwet. Vanaf 1961 tot 1994 was die staatshoof bekend as die Staatspresident . Die President word verkies deur lede van die Parlement en is gewoonlik die leier van die grootste party.

Who was the 40th President of the United States of America?

The 40th President of the United States was Ronald Reagan. President Reagan held office from January 20, 1985 to January 20, 1989 The 41st President of the United States was George H. W. Bush from January 20, 1989 to January 20, 1993 Ronald Reagan’s presidency ended and George H. W. Bush’s began on January 20 of that year. Home

Who was initially sworn in as president on September 20?

^ Chester A. Arthur was initially sworn in as president on September 20, 1881, and then again on September 22. ^ Died September 14, 1901; see Assassination of William McKinley for further details. ^ Calvin Coolidge was initially sworn in as president on August 3, 1923, and then again on August 21.

Who is the most recent US President to die?

The most recent to die was George H. W. Bush, on November 30, 2018. List of presidents of the United States from 1789 – till date. ^ Presidents are numbered according to uninterrupted periods served by the same person. For example, George Washington served two consecutive terms and is counted as the first president (not the first and second).