Wat zit er in een astma puffer?

Wat zit er in een astma puffer?

Bij astma zijn ontstekingsremmers en luchtwegverwijders de basis van de behandeling om de astma stabiel te krijgen en te houden. Deze medicijnen adem je in via de mond met een inhalator. Zo komen de medicijnen direct in je longen terecht. Inhalatoren worden vaak puffers genoemd.

Wat is belangrijk bij inhaleren?

Tips, advies en veelgestelde vragen ‘ Goed inhaleren is belangrijk. Het medicijn moet diep in de longen terecht komen om goed te kunnen werken. Laat minstens 1 keer per jaar controleren of u goed inhaleert (puft) door de dokter, longverpleegkundige of apotheker. Veel patiĆ«nten maken namelijk (onbewust) nog fouten.

What is an inhaler?

An inhaler can include: A bronchodilator, which helps to open up your airways and increase air flow A corticosteroid, which helps to reduce inflammation in your airways A combination of several different bronchodilators A combination of bronchodilator and corticosteroid

What happens when you inhale medicine?

When inhaled, the medicine quickly reaches the airways and less is absorbed into the bloodstream. There are a number of devices that deliver medicine directly to the airways. Metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), dry powder inhalers, nebulizers and soft mist inhalers are currently available with different medicines.

What are inhaled medicines?

Inhaled medicines, or medicines that you breathe directly into the lungs, are an important part of treatment for chronic lung disease. A variety of medicines are available in an inhaled form. When inhaled, the medicine quickly reaches the airways and less is absorbed into the bloodstream.

What are the different types of inhalers for COPD?

1 Metered-Dose Inhalers (MDI) The metered-dose-inhaler is important for the treatment of chronic lung disease, including asthma and COPD. 2 Dry Powder Inhalers. Dry powder inhalers are important for the treatment of chronic lung disease, including asthma and COPD. 3 Nebulizers. 4 Soft Mist Inhaler.