Wat zijn Lares?
Lares – Aanvankelijk landelijke goden of geesten, die in ItaliĆ« als beschermers van verschillende plaatsen vereerd werden, alhoewel oorsprong en juiste betekenis niet onomstootbaar vaststaan.
Wat betekent Penates?
Penates – (Di Penates, afgeleid van penus, ‘voorraadkamer’) Beschermgoden van de voorraden in de voorraadkamers van elke woning. Zij werden vereerd naast de Lares en de Genius van de familievader in het atrium van de woning.
Wat betekent Lararium?
lararium – Huiskapelletje gewijd aan de Romeinse huisgoden, de Lares en de Penates.
Wie zijn de Penaten?
De Penates of Penaten waren huisgoden, die met de Lares bij de huiselijke haard werden vereerd, en wier naam aanduidt, dat zij zorgden voor de dagelijkse levensbehoeften, voor het dagelijks brood. Het waren de goden van de huiselijke voorraad.
What is the meaning of Lares and Penates?
The phrase “lares and penates” is at home in the elevated writings of scholars. A classicist could tell you that Lares and Penates were Roman gods once worshipped as guardians of the household, and an avid Walpolian might be able to tell you that his or her favorite author (Horace Walpole) is credited with first domesticating…
Where did the phrase’Lares and Penates’originate?
In the centuries since Walpole used “lares and penates” in a 1775 letter to the English poet William Mason, the phrase has become solidly established in the English language, and it continues to be used by authors and journalists today. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox!
What is a Lares in ancient Rome?
Lares were considered spirits of the dead who had become divine, and they guarded homes, crossroads, and the city. Every Roman family had its own guardian, known as the Lar familiaris (pronounced lar-fuh-mil-ee-YAHR-iss), to protect the household and ensure that the family line did not die out.
What are the Lares Compitales and Lares Praestites?
Deities known as Lares compitales (pronounced LAIR-eez kom-puh-TAY-leez), who guarded crossroads and neighborhoods, were honored in a festival called the Compitalia. Another group of deities, the Lares praestites (pronounced LAIR-eez pree-STYE-teez), served as the guardians of the city of Rome.