Wat vond Adam Smith?
Smith wordt alom genoemd als de vader van de moderne economie. Ook wordt hij beschouwd als een van de grondleggers van het klassieke liberalisme. Hij was van mening dat het nastreven van het eigen individuele belang ook in het grootste maatschappelijk belang zou resulteren.
Waar komt het woord economie vandaan?
Economie (uit het Oudgriekse oikos (οἶκος), huis en nomos (νόμος), regel; letterlijk dus huishoudkunde) is een wetenschap die zich bezighoudt met de keuzes die mensen maken bij de productie, distributie en consumptie van goederen en diensten.
How was Adam Smith optimistic about economic growth in the future?
Through his belief in increasing returns based on the increase in the extent of division of labour. Adam Smith was optimistic about economic growth in future. In fact, he emphasized the cumulative and self-propelling nature of development process.
How did Adam Smith’s ideas influence subsequent thinkers?
The great influence of Adam Smith on subsequent thinkers can be traced in the pattern he set for later discussion on development problems. The emphasis he laid on the accumulation of capital as fundamental to the development process finds a place in subsequent theories of development.
How did Adam Smith revolutionize the world?
Adam Smith, sometimes called the founding father of capitalism, published “Wealth of Nations” in the same year America declared its independence. While the American people revolutionized the political sphere, Smith revolutionized the economic sphere.
What did Adam Smith say about capital accumulation?
As a means of economic development, Adam Smith gave an important place to saving and accumulation of capital. To quote his words, “Capitalists are increased by parsimony and diminished by prodigality and misconduct parsimony and not industry is the immediate cause of the increase of capital.