Wat is Lipiflow?

Wat is Lipiflow?

LIPIFLOW® is een nieuwe én revolutionaire behandeling die voor patiënten met droge ogen door MGD ( Meiboom Gland Dysfunctie) een mogelijkheid betekent naar definitive genezing. Meer dan 86% van de Droge Oogpatiënten behoren tot deze groep.

Wat is Voorsegmentchirurgie?

De specialisten van NuHealth in staar-, hoornvlies- en anterieure segmentchirurgie herstellen de helderheid van veroudering, aangetaste ogen en bieden verlichting bij visuele vervorming en andere symptomen. Ze helpen ook bij het herstellen van beschadigde hoornvlies en andere structuren van het buitenoog.

How does a cataract affect vision?

According to the National Eye Institute, there are two ways that a cataract affects vision. The protein in the eye’s lens begins to thicken. As the protein clump enlarges over time, it affects the amount of light that enters through the lens into the optic nerve, which makes far and near vision blurry.

Can Cataracts cause headaches?

Usually not: Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, but they are generally painless and rarely cause headaches. Severe cataract can occasionally lead to elevated pressure in the eye and pain, as well as significantly diminished vision. Headaches may arise from straining to see through the cataracts, but it is not common.

What causes cataracts to develop?

Cataracts can also be caused by other eye conditions, past eye surgery or medical conditions such as diabetes. Long-term use of steroid medications, too, can cause cataracts to develop. A cataract is a cloudy lens. The lens is positioned behind the colored part of your eye (iris).

Can Cataracts cause watery eyes?

Well, yes, cataracts can lead to watery eyes. As we know that cataracts occur when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy. In that way, it will just prevent light from passing clearly through the lens, causing some loss of vision.