Wat is Inspiratoire stridor en hoe ontstaat het?

Wat is Inspiratoire stridor en hoe ontstaat het?

Een (inspiratoire) stridor kan veroorzaakt worden door een (sub)acute obstructie in de centrale luchtweg (trachea of hoofdbronchi), danwel door een obstructie van de bovenste luchtweg (orofarynx, nasofarynx en de larynx). Een stridor kan derhalve een uiting zijn van een potentieel levensbedreigende aandoening.

Wat betekent Inspiratoire stridor?

Een inspiratoire stridor geeft een gierend of piepend geluid tijdens de inspiratie (inademing) en is meestal al hoorbaar zonder stethoscoop.

What is laryngomalacia and what are the symptoms?

Laryngomalacia is an abnormality of the voice box (larynx) that leads to the inward collapse of the airway when air is drawn into the lungs (inspiration). It usually becomes apparent at birth or shortly after birth. The most common symptom is noisy breathing (stridor) that is often worse when the infant is on his/her back or crying.

What is laryngomalacia (stridor)?

In children, laryngomalacia is the most common cause of stridor during infancy, and it typically improves with time. What are the symptoms of laryngomalacia? The major symptom of this disorder is the stridor (noisy breathing) that is predominately heard when the infant breathes in.

What is laryngomalacia (larynx collapse)?

Listen Laryngomalaciais an abnormality of the voice box (larynx) that leads to the inward collapse of the airway when air is drawn into the lungs (inspiration). It usually becomes apparent at birth or shortly after birth.

Is laryngomalacia in infants serious?

In most cases, laryngomalacia in infants is not a serious condition — they have noisy breathing, but are able to eat and grow. For these infants, laryngomalacia will resolve without surgery by the time they are 18 to 20 months old. However, a small percentage of babies with laryngomalacia do struggle with breathing, eating and gaining weight.