Wat is een gezonde PE ratio?

Wat is een gezonde PE ratio?

Bedrijven die sneller dan gemiddeld groeien, hebben echter doorgaans hogere P/E’s, zoals technologiebedrijven. De gemiddelde price-to-earnings Ratio voor de S&P 500 schommelt historisch gezien tussen de 13 tot 15.

What is PE ratio or PE ratio?

PE Ratio or P/E Ratio or Price-Earnings Ratio is a ratio of the current share price of the company to its earnings per share. Note it is the earnings per share and not the total earnings of the company in absolute terms. Mathematically:

What happens when P/E ratio is high?

P/E Ratio: Key points to remember: A company with a high P/E ratio will have to live up to the market expectation by substantially increasing its earnings, or the stock price will drop. Therefore, if the stock is trading at a higher P/E than the industry average, you must be very cautious before investing in the stock.

What is the’price-earnings ratio-P/E ratio’?

What is the ‘Price-Earnings Ratio – P/E Ratio’. The price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings.

What is the problem with the trailing P/E ratio?

The fact that the EPS number remains constant, while the stock prices fluctuate, is also a problem. If a major company event drives the stock price significantly higher or lower, the trailing P/E will be less reflective of those changes. The trailing P/E ratio will change as the price of a company’s stock moves,…

Wat is PE aandelen?

De koers-winstverhouding (price earnings ratio in het Engels; P/E) is het cijfer dat men bekomt door de koers van een aandeel te delen door de winst per aandeel. Hoe lager die verhouding, hoe goedkoper het aandeel is.

What does PE rating mean on fishing line?

When a PE rating is applied to fishing line it’s simply as a measure of the lines diameter – not the lines breaking strain. In fact, a line rated PE 5, for example, may break at 30lb, 50lb, 90lb or anywhere in between.

What is the PE size used to measure?

However, it’s often used for various reasons. The most common use of “PE” is to measure the diameter of polyethylene fishing lines. A PE size (e.g PE 0.6, PE 1, PE 2, PE 3 and so on) is based on a Japanese numbering system called “gouw”, which was originally used to measure the diameter of silk thread.

What is price-earnings ratio P/E?

Price-Earnings Ratio – P/E Ratio. Loading the player… The price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings. The price-earnings ratio is also sometimes known as the price multiple or the earnings multiple.

What does a high P/E ratio mean?

The price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) relates a company’s share price to its earnings per share. A high P/E ratio could mean that a company’s stock is over-valued, or else that investors are expecting high growth rates in the future. Companies that have no earnings or that are losing money do not have a P/E ratio since there is nothing to put in