Wat ging Augustinus studeren?

Wat ging Augustinus studeren?

Vermoedelijk in 383 verhuisde hij naar Rome. Na kennismaking met het werk van de Romeinse filosoof Cicero besloot hij filosofie te studeren op zoek naar de waarheid, met name over een zuiver Godsbegrip in relatie tot de oorsprong van het kwaad. Aanvankelijk meende hij deze waarheid te vinden in het manicheïsme.

Wat deed Augustinus in Carthago?

Daarin doet hij God als het ware verslag van zijn levensgeschiedenis, zijn diepste zielenroerselen en zijn theologische bespiegelingen. In De Civitate Dei verdedigt hij tegenover geletterde heidenen het christendom als de ware godsdienst en geeft hij zijn ideeën over de sociale en maatschappelijke orde weer.

Who are Augustinian and Monica?

Augustine and Monica are the mother-and-son combination of declared saints most known within the Christian church. Monica was a strong presence at a number of turning points during his first thirty-three years. In fact, it has been said that the inner life of Augustine was dominated by one figure – his mother.

What did St Monica do for St Augustine?

In Milan, Monica befriended the great Saint Ambrose, who played such a key role in Augustine’s conversion. The seed of her prayers bore fruit when Augustine abandoned his sinful life, was baptized, and decided to return to North Africa as a Christian leader.

Who is Saint Monica?

(Ibid) Monica was one of the greatest guiding forces in the life of Augustine. Augustine and Monica are the mother-and-son combination of declared saints most known within the Christian church.

Who is the mother of St Augustine?

St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo, was born in 322 in Tagaste (located in modern-day Algeria). Her parents were Christians, but little is known of her early life. Most of the information about her comes from Book IX of her son’s “Confessions.”.