Waarom DKTP 4 jaar?

Waarom DKTP 4 jaar?

De DKTP-vaccinatie beschermt uw kind tegen difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus en polio. Deze herhalingsvaccinatie wordt aangeboden als uw kind 4 jaar is. Kinderen krijgen voor hun eerste verjaardag al drie vaccinaties tegen difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus en polio.

Hoe snel werkt DKTP vaccinatie?

Hoe lang duurt het voordat dit medicijn werkt? Difterie en tetanus: na de laatste vaccinatie op het negende jaar houdt de bescherming tegen deze ziektes 10 jaar aan. Na die tijd is een nieuwe vaccinatie nodig, als het kind extra kans loopt op een van deze ziekten.

Who is responsible for the operation of the IV-D program?

(2) The IV-D agency shall be responsible and accountable for the operation of the IV-D program. Except as provided in § 303.20 of this Part, the agency need not perform all the functions of the IVD program so long as it insures that all these functions are being carried out properly, efficiently, and effectively;

What is the Title IV-D program in Illinois?

In Illinois, the Title IV-D program is administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Division of Child Support Services (DCSS). What does the Title IV-D program do? Collect and distribute support. * Services can be provided in languages other than English, as needed. What does IV-D or Non IV-D mean?

How is the amount of a grant determined under the IV-D?

The determination as to the amount of a grant to be made to a State is based upon documents submitted by the IV-D agency containing information required under the Act and such other pertinent facts as may be found necessary. (a) Form and manner of submittal.

What is an IV-D Agency?

(a) The State plan shall provide for the establishment or designation of a single and separate organizational unit to administer the IV-D plan. Such unit is referred to as the IV-D agency. Under this requirement: (1) The IV-D agency may be: (i) Located in the single State agency designated pursuant to § 205.100 to administer title IV-A of the Act;