Hoeveel Tralieve hond?

Hoeveel Tralieve hond?

De aanbevolen dosis bedraagt 2-4 mg tramadolhydrochloride per kg lichaamsgewicht om de 8 uur of zoals nodig voor de intensiteit van de pijn. Het minimale doseringsinterval bedraagt 6 uur. De aanbevolen maximale dagelijkse dosis bedraagt 16 mg/kg.

Wat kost Tralieve?

Geneesmiddelen op schriftelijke aanvraag houden het midden tussen de vrij afleverbare geneesmiddelen enerzijds en de geneesmiddelen op voorschrift anderzijds….CNK.

Naam Tralieve 20mg Kauwtabletten Voor Honden 10 X 10
Prijs € 26,60
CNK 3785698
Bijsluiter (PDF) Klik hier om te downloaden

What are tralieve 20mg tablets used for?

For more information, view our Delivery page. Tralieve 20mg tablets For the reduction of acute and chronic mild soft tissue and musculoskeletal pain. Flavoured and chewable tablets Available in blister packs Divisile for accurate and flexible dosing Two strengths to meet the needs of dogs of all sizes

What are the ingredients in tralieve?

Tralieve Tablets are indicated for the reduction of acute and chronic mild soft tissue and musculoskeletal pain. Each tablet contains Tramadol Hydrochloride 80mg (equivalent to 70.3mg… [More info] Tralieve Tablets are indicated for the reduction of acute and chronic mild soft tissue and musculoskeletal pain.

What are tralieve tablets for dogs used for?

20mg Tralieve tablets for Dogs is a licenced chewable Tramadol Tablet for the reduction of acute and chronic mild soft tissue and musculoskeletal pain. VET PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED Pet Prescription Required?: – Yes

Are tralieve tablets available in blister packs?

Flavoured and chewable tablets Available in blister packs Divisile for accurate and flexible dosing Two strengths to meet the needs of dogs of all sizes Tralieve Tablets are a prescription item and will be sent once a valid prescription is received. Please follow the instructions given by your vet.