Hoe duur is een honden hotel?

Hoe duur is een honden hotel?

Prijzen per 01-01-2022

Honden (per dag) Laag- seizoen Hoog- seizoen
Middelgrote honden van 11-20 kg €16,00 €19,00
Grote honden van 21-40 kg €17,00 €20,00
Honden van 41 kg- 60 kg €19,00 €22,00
Honden boven de 61 kg €20,00 €23,00

Wat kost een dag opvang hond?

De gemiddelde kosten per dag voor hondenopvang bij u thuis liggen rond de 11 euro. Meestal worden de dagelijkse kosten minder naarmate de duur van het verblijf toeneemt. Voor een week kunt u rekenen op een gemiddelde van ongeveer 70 euro.

How much does it cost to kennel a dog in UK?

Average Cost of Kenneling a Dog or Cat in the UK. The figures below are based on our research and are averaged: The average cost to kennel a dog is £17.35 per day or £243 for a two-week stay.

Which is the best boarding kennel in Shropshire?

For advice on selecting a boarding kennel see: Choosing a Boarding Kennel for Your Dog Loving care for your VIP… Barkingham Pet Palace Luxury Hotel. (Shropshire) Barkingham Pet Palace A Luxury Hotel. Where your dogs have endless safe fun!! Coalford Canine Retreat is a unique facility that redefines boarding kennels and gives your dogs the…

What is a bespoke dog kennel?

These commercial dog kennels are fully structural with good thermal qualities and designed to perform in a harsh kennel environment. We can build any size or configuration of kennels so these are a truly bespoke dog kennel.

Are kennels a good option for pet owners on holiday?

Kennels are a popular option for dog and cat owners who go on holiday and need a safe place for their pets to stay. During 2019 we contacted 10 random kennel firms in the UK and asked them to provide us with a price for keeping one medium-sized dog and one cat for two weeks. Below you’ll find the results of our findings.