Wat is scherper groene of rode peper?

Wat is scherper groene of rode peper?

De groene peper is minder rijp dan de rode peper. Hierdoor is de groene peper milder van smaak. Over het algemeen geldt dat hoe kleiner de peper, hoe scherper deze is. Kleine groene pepertjes kunnen dus ook erg heet zijn!

Is rode peper heter dan groene peper?

Capsaïcine is het stofje in pepers dat ze zo heet maakt en hoe langer de peper aan de plant hangt hoe meer capsaïcine er in de peper zit. Hoe meer capsaïcine, hoe heter de peper. En dit betekend dat van hetzelfde soort rode pepers heter zijn dan groene pepers.

What is African birdseye chilli?

African Birds Eye Chilli Farming – A Comprehensive Guide. African Birdseye Chilli (ABE), also known as Birds Eye Chilli (BEC) or Bird’s Eye Chilli is one of the hottest and pungent chilies in the world.

How hot are Birdseye chilis?

On the Scoville scale, Birds Eye Chilis are at 100,000 Scoville Heat Units. This is to be classified with a degree of sharpness of 9. For comparison: Tabasco Chili pods are only half hot with 50,000 Scoville. Thai Birdseye chili peppers can shoot the bird with up to 225,000 SHU. This corresponds to a low degree of sharpness of 10.

What is a birds eye chili pepper?

In Birds eye chilies of the Capsicum frutescens species their chili peppers are partly directed towards the sky. Similar to Tabasco the chilies grow in every direction. Some of them are straight as a die and point upwards. It is then a variety that can live for more than 5 years. In some cases it grows to a height of more than two meters.

What is bird eye chili sauce recipe?

Sichuan Style Bird Eye Chili Sauce Recipe is the basic blend that is stored in any of the Kitchen in China. There are many variations of this recipe. Traditionally the sauce is made from Sichuan peppers which are an important part of the Sichuan cooking. But this recipe is kept simple by adding the bird’s red eye chili to make the paste.