Wat is een transient?
Transiënt definities naamw. 1) van voorbijgaande aard Voorbeeld: `Transiënte verschijnselen.
Wat is heterogene dienstverlening?
24.2.2 – Heterogeniteit Onder heterogeniteit van diensten verstaan wij de wisselende kwaliteit van diensten. Voor het verlenen van diensten zijn mensen onmisbaar.
Welke bedrijven dienstensector?
Onder de dienstensector vallen onder meer de handel, vervoer, horeca, medische voorzieningen, ICT bedrijven, accountancy, finance, engineering, de middenstand en het onderwijs.
What does the word ’transient’ mean?
Something which is transient. A transient phenomenon, especially an electric current; a very brief surge. A relatively loud, non-repeating signal in an audio waveform which occurs very quickly, such as the attack of a snare drum. A person who passes through a place for a short time; a traveller; a migrant worker
What does the name transient mean?
“Transient” = an event which is passing (Latin: ‘across’, beyond’) “Temporary“= for a short period of time (Latin again: ‘time’ season’) So ‘transient‘ has the feeling of motion, whereas ‘temporary‘ has the feeling of a situation which may change soon.
How to use “transient” in a sentence?
Gone in a transient spring?
What is the difference between transient and steady state?
System start-up and ramp-up: liquids handling and thermal behavior.