Wat zijn gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen?

Wat zijn gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen?

Gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen (CFK’s) zijn koolwaterstoffen die chloor bevatten. Hiertoe behoren ook een aantal persistente insecticiden die zich ophopen in de watervoedselkringloop. Enkele van deze stoffen zijn DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachloor, chloordaan, lindaan, endrin, Mirex, hexachloride, en toxapheen.

Wat betekent de verontreiniging?

verontreiniging – De invoering of aanwezigheid van schadelijke of andere ongewenste stoffen of producten in het milieu; gebruik ‘milieuverontreinigende stoffen’ voor de stoffen zelf.

Wat zijn Halogeenarme oplosmiddelen?

alifatische en naftenische koolwaterstoffen, aromaten zoals benzeen, tolueen, xyleen en styreen, alcoholen zoals methanol en ethanol, ketonen (zoals aceton) en ethers.

What is Wurtz reaction?

What is Wurtz Reaction? The Wurtz reaction is a very useful reaction in the fields of organic chemistry and organometallic chemistry for the formation of alkanes. In this reaction, two different alkyl halides are coupled to yield a longer alkane chain with the help of sodium and dry ether solution.

What metals are used in the Wurtz reaction?

Apart from sodium, metals like silver, indium, activated copper, zinc, and iron can also be used in the Wurtz reaction in order to obtain alkanes. The mechanism of this reaction involves free radicals, allowing for the possibility of side reactions that lead to the formation of alkenes as the product.

What is the general form of the Wurtz equation?

Wurtz Reaction Equation. The general form of the Wurtz reaction equation can be written as follows: 2R-X + 2Na → R-R + 2Na+ X–. It can be observed from this equation that the two R groups are joined, yielding an alkane with a longer chain along with NaX, where X is a Halogen.

What are some examples of Wurtz coupling reactions?

For example, it is intolerant of a range of functional groups. Wurtz coupling is, however, useful in closing small, especially three-membered, rings. Bicyclobutane was prepared this way from 1-bromo-3-chlorocyclobutane in 95% yield. The reaction is conducted in refluxing dioxane, at which temperature,…