Wat is TTS bij zwangerschap?
Het tweeling transfusie syndroom (TTS) kan optreden bij eeneiige tweelingzwangerschappen met een gemeenschappelijke placenta, zogenaamde monochoriale tweelingzwangerschappen. Dit gebeurt in ongeveer 10% van de gevallen. De oorzaak van TTS ligt in de placenta.
Kan een tweeling in de buik elkaar opeten?
Alamjan’s afwijking foetus in foetu is een zeldzame fout die optreedt bij eeneiige tweelingen. Bij deze afwijking wordt de ene foetus ‘ingekapseld’ (omsloten) door de andere, waarbij de ingekapselde foetus begint te parasiteren. Artsen begrijpen nog niet precies hoe de ene foetus de andere inkapselt.
What is tap and die tapping?
Tap and die is an intricate operation involving numerous tools to create screw threads. A lack of attention to detail will contribute to further faults in the tapping process. Manufacturers who pass over even the smallest of elements will produce unusable threads or worse, failing taps.
What is the cause of taps?
TAPS is caused by an imbalance in red blood cells exchanged between the twins through tiny placental blood circulations (anastomoses). This leads to too few red blood cells (anemia) in the donor twin and too many red blood cells (polycythemia) in the recipient twin.
What are the most important techniques in the tapping process?
The Tapping Process: Important Techniques and Factors. A lack of attention to detail will contribute to further faults in the tapping process. Manufacturers who pass over even the smallest of elements will produce unusable threads or worse, failing taps. Avoid mistakes and setbacks by paying close attention to holes prior to tapping.
What is the difference between TTTS and taps?
It causes chronic anemia and polycythemia without an imbalance in the amniotic fluid between the twins, a characteristic of TTTS that often leads to maternal symptoms due to the rapid growth of the mother’s stomach. Unlike TTTS, TAPS has no physical symptoms due to no fluid differences in the babies and often remains undiagnosed.