Wat is de ziekte Behcet?
De ziekte van Behçet is een vorm van reuma waarbij je last krijgt van ontstekingen die steeds terugkomen. De meeste mensen hebben vooral last van zweertjes in de mond of op de uitwendige geslachtsdelen. Ook kun je last krijgen van ontstekingen aan je ogen, je huid of je gewrichten.
Wat is de ziekte van Sarcoidose?
Bij sarcoïdose ontstaan ontstekingen met veel witte bloedcellen. Bijvoorbeeld in de longen en ogen. Veel mensen met sarcoïdose hebben last van moeheid. Andere klachten zijn bijvoorbeeld koorts, afvallen, benauwd zijn en oogontstekingen.
What is Behcet’s disease?
Behcet’s syndrome (also called Behcet’s disease) is rare condition that causes your body’s blood vessels to swell. This can cause symptoms throughout your body. Sores inside your mouth and on your genitals are common, but you may also have symptoms in other areas.
How do I know if I have Behcet’s disease?
One way to help diagnose it is to look for groups of symptoms. You may get a diagnosis of Behcet’s if: You have mouth sores at least three times in one year, and you have at least two of these symptoms: Sores on your genitals. Swelling in your eyes along with vision loss. Skin sores. Positive pathergy test.
Should I see more than one doctor for Behçet’s disease?
Because Behçet’s disease can affect different parts of your body, you may need to see more than one doctor. It may be helpful to have one doctor, such as a rheumatologist, to manage your treatment and monitor side effects from medicines.
Can You Live a normal life with Behcet’s disease?
You can live a normal life with Behcet’s. In fact, your symptoms might get better as you grow older. There may be periods of time when all symptoms disappear. These periods are called remissions. In other cases, symptoms get worse the longer you have it. Medicines help control these symptoms and prevent flares.