Wat zijn IBD patienten?

Wat zijn IBD patienten?

De ziekte van Crohn en colitis ulcerosa zijn chronische aandoeningen van het maagdarmkanaal. Ze worden ook wel chronische inflammatoire of ontstekingsziektes van de darm genoemd. Artsen gebruiken vaak de Engelse verzamelterm Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD).

Wat is inflammatoire darmziekten?

Wat zijn inflammatoire darmziekten? Tot de inflammatoire (ontstekingsachtige) darmziekten oftewel inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) behoren de ziekte van Crohn en Colitis Ulcerosa. Bij beide ziektebeelden raken delen van de darm ontstoken. De ziekte van Crohn kan voorkomen in (alle lagen van) de dunne en dikke darm.

What is ulcerative colitis (UC)?

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disorder of the colon that causes continuous mucosal inflammation extending from the rectum to the more proximal colon, with variable extents. UC is characterized by a relapsing and remitting course. UC was first described by Samuel …

What is the difference between Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis?

Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are two conditions commonly referred to as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They are immunologically mediated inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In CD, the inflammation extends through the entire thickness of the bowel wall from the mucosa to the serosa.

What is the pathophysiology of ulcerative colitis?

The pathogenesis is multifactorial, involving genetic predisposition, epithelial barrier defects, dysregulated immune responses, and environmental factors. Patients with ulcerative colitis have mucosal inflammation starting in the rectum that can extend continuously to proximal segments of the colon.

Does ulcerative colitis increase the risk of colon cancer?

Ulcerative colitis also increases the risk of developing colon cancer, especially in people whose entire colon is inflamed and in people who have had ulcerative colitis for 8 or more years. Ulcerative colitis is one common form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).