Wat doet mimpara?

Wat doet mimpara?

1. Wat is Mimpara en waarvoor wordt dit middel gebruikt? Mimpara werkt door de bijschildklierhormoon- (PTH), calcium- en fosfaatspiegels in uw lichaam onder controle te houden. Het wordt gebruikt bij het behandelen van problemen met organen die bijschildklieren worden genoemd.

Wat kost mimpara?

Kostenoverzicht cinacalcet

DDD Gemiddelde prijs per dag
MIMPARA, TABLET 30 mg 60 mg € 9,20
MIMPARA, GRANULAAT 5 mg 60 mg € 80,97
GENERIEK, TABLET 60 mg 60 mg € 6,48

Wat kost Xgeva?

€ 326,72 exclusief afleverkosten. Afleverkosten zijn de kosten die uw apotheker hanteert voor het leveren van het geneesmiddel.

What is a parathyroidectomy?

Hormones from the parathyroid glands regulate blood levels of calcium and other minerals. Parathyroid gland problems requiring parathyroidectomy include hyperparathyroidism, parathyroid nodules and parathyroid tumors. Surgeons can access the parathyroid glands through an incision at the front of the neck, or through the mouth (scarless procedure).

What are the different types of parathyroid problems?

The four parathyroid glands, each about the size of a grain of rice, are located behind the thyroid gland in the neck. Hormones from the parathyroid glands regulate blood levels of calcium and other minerals. Parathyroid gland problems requiring parathyroidectomy include hyperparathyroidism, parathyroid nodules and parathyroid tumors.

How is a parathyroid gland removed from the neck?

This helps highlight the diseased glands. If you have this shot, your surgeon will use a special probe, like a Geiger counter, to locate the parathyroid gland. Your surgeon will make a small cut (1 to 2 inches; or 2.5 to 5 cm) on one side of your neck, and then remove the diseased gland through it.

What is radioactive dye for parathyroid surgery?

Radioactive dye is put into your IV to help healthcare providers see your parathyroid glands and know which glands need to be removed. Healthcare providers will use a camera above your neck and chest to look for the parathyroid glands that absorbed the dye.

De werkzame stof in Mimpara, cinacalcet, is een calcimimeticum. Dit betekent dat de stof de werking van calcium in het lichaam nabootst. Cinacalcet werkt door de gevoeligheid van de calciumgevoelige receptoren op de bijschildklieren te verhogen die de afscheiding van bijschildklierhormoon (PTH) reguleren.

Hoe snel werkt cinacalcet?

Cinacalcet remt de aanmaak van het bijschildklierhormoon PTH. Hierdoor wordt er minder calcium uit de botten gehaald. Het maximale effect is na ongeveer een week bereikt.

Wat is pamidronaat?

Wat is APD? APD hoort tot de groep bifosfonaten. Dat zijn geneesmiddelen die onder meer worden ingezet om botontkalking en uitzaaiingen in de botten tegen te gaan. Bisfosfonaten worden door de botten opgenomen en vormen een barrière waardoor de werking van de botafbrekende cellen afneemt.

Can Sensipar be used for hypocalcemia?

Sensipar is also used to treat hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in the blood) in people with cancer of the parathyroid gland, and in people with overactive parathyroid glands that cannot be treated surgically. You should not take Sensipar if you have low levels of calcium in your blood (hypocalcemia).

Can Sensipar be used to treat hyperparathyroidism?

Sensipar should not be used for primary hyperparathyroidism with high blood calcium. Sensipar (Cinacalcet) can be used for secondary (renal failure) hyperparathyroidism. If you are not getting kidney dialysis, then you probably should not take Sensipar. The most recent studies on Sensipar and calcium levels and parathyroid hormone are discussed.

Does Cinacalcet (Sensipar) work for hyperparathyroidism?

Cinacalcet (Sensipar) provides no measurable clinical benefits for patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and may accelerate bone loss with prolonged use Cinacalcet reduces serum calcium but is not tolerated by many patients.

When should Sensipar 30 mg be taken?

Initiate Sensipar® at 30 mg once daily in patients with secondary HPT on dialysis with iPTH > 300 pg/mL and calcium ≥ 8.4 mg/dL. PTH levels should be measured at least 12 hours post dose. Constant serum drug levels (steady-state) are achieved within 7 days.