Wat is het algoritme van de BLS?

Wat is het algoritme van de BLS?

Adem normaal in en adem in 1 seconde gelijkmatig uit in de mond van het slachtoffer. Kijk daarbij uit je ooghoek of de borstkas van het slachtoffer omhoog komt. Onderbreek de borstcompressies hiervoor nooit meer dan 10 seconden. Ga door met reanimeren en wissel steeds 30 borstcompressies af met 2 beademingen.

Wat doet een adrenaline spuit?

Belangrijk om te weten over adrenaline injectie Adrenaline versnelt de hartslag, verhoogt de bloeddruk en vernauwt bloedvaten. De injectie wordt gebruikt bij levensbedreigende acute allergie (anafylaxie), bijvoorbeeld voor noten, of voor wespen- of bijensteken.

What is asystole and its treatment?

Asystole and Its Treatment in ACLS Asystole is defined as a cardiac arrest rhythm in which there is no discernible electrical activity on the ECG monitor. Consequently, it is sometimes referred to as a “flat line.” Confirmation that a “flat line” is truly asystole is an important step in the ACLS protocol.

What is the asystole algorithm?

Asystole Algorithm. Asystole represents the absence of both electrical and mechanical activity of the heart. Asystole is not a shockable rhythm and treatment for Asystole involves high quality CPR, airway management, IV or IO therapy, and medication therapy which is 1mg epinephrine 1:10,000 every 3-5 minutes rapid IV or IO push.

What is an asystole in ACLS?

Asystole and Its Treatment in ACLS. Asystole is defined as a cardiac arrest rhythm in which there is no discernible electrical activity on the ECG monitor. Consequently, it is sometimes referred to as a “flat line.” Confirmation that a “flat line” is truly asystole is an important step in the ACLS protocol.

What is asystole on ECG?

Asystole is defined as a cardiac arrest rhythm in which there is no discernible electrical activity on the ECG monitor. Consequently, it is sometimes referred to as a “flat line.”