Wat zijn de taken van de FIOD?
FIOD doet in principe onderzoek naar vormen van financiële en fiscale criminaliteit. Denk daarbij bijvoorbeeld aan zwart verdiend geld, witwassen, faillissementsfraude, terrorismefinanciering, illegaal gokken, drugscriminaliteit, illegale sigaretten, subsidiefraude en nog veel meer.
Wat gebeurd er bij een FIOD inval?
Een FIOD-inval is veelal intimiderend en zelden zachtzinnig. Het gebeurt vaak onverwachts waarbij ze opeens bij je op de stoep staan. De FIOD neemt spullen in beslag, zoals administratiepapieren en computers. Ook horen ze uw medewerkers uit.
What is an IV infiltration?
The first one is infiltration. What infiltration is it’s the leaking of the fluid outside of the IV into the soft tissue of the patient’s extremity. For example, what happens is your patient’s arm or leg or whatever it is maybe swollen, maybe tender, and it could also be cold because of all the fluid that’s accumulated.
What to do in case of complications such as IV infiltration?
The most common treatment measures in case of complications such as IV infiltration consist of: Application of compresses(absorb the excess fluid, calm the pain, reduce the inflammation)
What are the signs of IV infiltration?
Common signs include inflammation, tightness of the skin, and pain around the IV site. IV infiltration is a common complication of intravenous (IV) therapy. According to current medical reports, about 50% of IVs fail, with over 20% of those failures due to infiltration or extravasation. 1
What is the definition of infiltration in nursing?
Definition. The IV infiltration can be defined as a complication of the intravenous therapy, with the administered medication infiltrating into the surrounding tissues. The leakage of the IV-administered fluids is clearly unintended, the condition being often presented as extravasation. The IV infiltration most commonly occurs when