Waarom online coaching?

Waarom online coaching?

Online coaching heeft door de bijzondere manier van werken verschillende voordelen: Er is een continue interactie, doordat je meer contactmomenten per week hebt. Het geeft jou flexibiliteit: je werkt aan je coaching wanneer het jou uitkomt. Je bepaalt zelf hoe vaak en hoe lang je wilt schrijven.

Wat is de meerwaarde van coaching?

Een coach helpt je buiten kaders te denken, zodat je nieuwe mogelijkheden ontdekt. Je krijgt inzicht in jezelf, in andere mogelijkheden van handelen en reageren en in je talenten en ambities. Persoonlijke groei is ontzettend belangrijk en in tegenstelling tot wat veel mensen denken, helemaal niet zo moeilijk.

Is online fitness coaching just another health fad?

Although it is an emerging trend at the moment, online fitness coaching is not simply another health fad. We are only beginning to realize the vast benefits online coaching offers as more and more people transition their workouts online. Does online personal training work?

What is an online fitness coach?

The short and obvious answer: It is a fitness coach who helps clients online. The question: What is an online fitness coach? The long answer below will help you decide whether this is a career path you want to take.

How does a fitness and nutrition coach work?

Once your coaches learn the details of your life, they’ll begin to develop a custom fitness and nutrition plan that works for your body, your schedule, and your preferences. Enjoy the coaching process—and get the results you deserve. Our goal is to remove all the stress surrounding health and fitness and help you get results that last for life.

What happens when you get a personal fitness coach?

Once your coaches learn the details of your life, they’ll begin to develop a custom fitness and nutrition plan that works for your body, your schedule, and your preferences. Enjoy the coaching process—and get the results you deserve.