Hoe wil UNICEF kinderen helpen?
UNICEF zet zich in om alle kinderen te helpen overleven en zich te ontwikkelen, zodat ze gezond kunnen opgroeien, wie ze ook zijn of waar ze ook wonen. We zetten ons in om kindersterfte te voorkomen door kinderen toegang te geven tot de juiste voeding, zuiver water, vaccins, medicijnen en basisgezondheidszorg.
Hoe geraakt UNICEF aan geld?
Het werk van UNICEF is uitsluitend mogelijk dankzij de vrijwillige bijdragen die we ontvangen van individuen, bedrijven, stichtingen en overheden.
What is NYSCEF?
The New York State Courts Electronic Filing System (NYSCEF) is a means of filing and serving legal documents electronically with various courts, including the Surrogate’s Court, Supreme Court and the Court of Claims. What are the benefits of electronic filing?
What are the guidelines for submitting documents to NYSCEF?
Documents submitted via NYSCEF must have one-inch margins at the top, bottom, right and left sides (see Uniform Rule 202.5 (a)). The top margin is particularly important to allow space for the addition of County Clerk and NYSCEF filing stamps.
How do I obtain a NYSCEF user ID and password?
It is quick and easy. To obtain a User ID and Password, an attorney for a party or an unrepresented litigant must submit a Filing User Registration form, a fillable version of which is available on the NYSCEF website. The form should be completed on–line, printed out and signed, and transmitted as instructed in the form.
Can a consensual case be converted to a NYSCEF case?
In a consensual case, if only the plaintiff⁄claimant consents, that party may e–file documents thereafter, but must serve in hard copy format. An eligible consensual case that was commenced and continued in hard copy form may be converted to a NYSCEF case by filing a Stipulation and Consent to E–Filing (found on the website) with the court.